The LTTE ground forces are the only LTTE militant subsection that does not have a cool name. Because the LTTE controlled land, they split the land that had power over into five sections, and each section had its own group of fighters. The groups had regional commanders that often acted like dictators, but all regional commanders were in constant contact, so that no one section was treated differently, meaning troops could be transferred between sections without much of a learning curve. There were many different leaders that were responsible for different functions of the LTTE, such as a communications leader, a logistics leader, and a training leader.
(, page 19)
Sea Tigers

Black Tigers
The Black Tigers were the suicide bombing unit of the Tamil Tigers. They are thought to have been created after a captain in the regular military drove an explosives-filled truck into a Sri Lankan army camp. The fact that the attack killed 55 people, which is very successful, is one of the reasons that the group was formed. The Black Tigers were also created because of a Sri Lankan blockade that made acquiring the materials to build weapons more difficult, so building bombs were an easy way to continue to kill Sri Lankan soldiers.
People were either chosen for the Black Tigers by an LTTE officer, or they wrote a letter volunteering themselves. The people making up the Black Tigers did not have to already be members of the Tamil Tigers, though everyone who volunteered or was chosen for the Black Tigers had to complete a half a years worth of training. After the training, they would return to the life they had been living before the Black Tigers until they were called for their mission, page 24)
Black Sea Tigers
The Black Sea Tigers are not what you think they are. They are a naval suicide bombing section of the Tamil Tigers. (Is that what you thought they were? Well this isn't a game show.) They would load small fishing boats full of explosives, and ram them into Sri Lankan battle ships that were designed to take lots of damage without sinking., page 25)
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